Understanding Functional Incontinence: A Comprehensive Guide

In This Article


Marla Finch, Pelvic Floor Osteopath


August 21, 2023

Functional incontinence stands apart from other types of urinary incontinence, predominantly due to its unique causative factors. It's a condition that affects many, yet remains surrounded by misconceptions. Let's delve into the realm of functional incontinence and provide clarity on its characteristics, causes, and potential solutions.

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What is Functional Incontinence?

Functional incontinence is characterized by an individual's inability to reach the restroom in time, even though the urinary system is functioning correctly. Unlike other forms, this type of incontinence does not arise due to urinary system problems but from barriers preventing timely restroom access.

Causes and Symptoms

The primary causes of functional incontinence can be broadly categorized into physical and cognitive barriers:

  • Physical Barriers: Issues that prevent swift movement, like arthritis, back pain, or disabilities arising from conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis (MS). Environmental factors can worsen the situation, like inaccessible restrooms or lack of facilities designed for people with disabilities.
  • Cognitive Barriers: Cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, can lead to functional incontinence. People affected may not recognize the need to use the restroom or might be unable to locate one. Severe depression might also diminish an individual's desire for self-care, including basic restroom use.

Moreover, certain medications, notably potent sedatives, can induce functional incontinence by causing drowsiness, thus delaying restroom access.

Diagnostic Measures

Healthcare professionals may suspect functional incontinence if underlying medical conditions make it challenging to reach the bathroom. However, to confirm, a thorough physical examination, medical history, and tests are often essential. For instance, both functional and urge incontinence might be present in patients with Parkinson's or MS, due to nerve damage impairing urine control.

The Four Main Types of Incontinence

  1. Stress Incontinence: Caused by sudden pressure on the bladder, like during a sneeze or a cough.
  2. Urge Incontinence: Characterized by a sudden urge to urinate.
  3. Mixed Incontinence: A combination of both stress and urge incontinence.
  4. Total Incontinence: Continuous leakage or periodic uncontrollable leaking.

While functional incontinence is primarily due to external factors, these other types often have direct links to urinary system dysfunctions.

Effective Treatments and Interventions

Treating functional incontinence often involves addressing its root cause:

  • For mobility issues, proper treatment, such as interventions for arthritis, can improve bathroom accessibility.
  • Environmental adjustments can significantly aid those with functional incontinence. Ensuring clear paths to restrooms and wearing easily removable clothing can prevent potential accidents.
  • Bladder Training and Pelvic Muscle Exercises (often known as Kegel exercises) can be beneficial. For a detailed guide on Kegel exercises and the best equipment to aid in this practice, check out this Best Kegel Exercisers article.

Absorbent products, vaginal weights, electrical stimulation devices, and scheduled voiding are other effective measures that can offer relief and enhance quality of life.

Who Gets Functional Incontinence?

Functional incontinence does not discriminate and can affect anyone facing challenges that prevent them from reaching the restroom promptly. Whether it's the elderly struggling with mobility issues or a younger person with a temporary disability, functional incontinence can impact people across the age spectrum.


Functional incontinence may not directly stem from urinary system malfunctions, but it's as impactful as other types. Recognizing its causes and understanding its solutions can empower those affected to lead a more comfortable and confident life.


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